Returns & refunds

Are you not completely satisfied with your purchase? You have 15 days from the receipt or collection of your order.

To return an item, follow these steps:

Online purchase

You ordered a canvas on but you changed your mind?
You have 15 days from receipt of your order to make a return and request a refund online. For any exchange, we invite you to make a return of your order, then to proceed to a new order.


If an item is defective or not in conformity, the buyer has 15 working days from receipt of the items to request an exchange or a refund. If the fifteen (15) day period normally expires on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, it shall be extended to the next working day.

The customer must return the items in new, unused, uninstalled condition and in their original packaging, intact, with all accessories, instructions for use and documentation. In such a situation, the buyer must send proof of the defect(s) to (description and photos attached).

If deterioration no longer allows the sale of the returned product, TableauxduMonde® is allowed to refuse the return and send the order back to the customer.

In case of cancellation, TableauxduMonde® is required to refund the sums paid by the customer, except for the cost of return, delivery insurance and restocking fee of 25%. The refund is due within a maximum of 14 days from the date of receipt of the package (s) returned.

You will be responsible for the return shipping costs.

In the case of a refund, we guarantee that it will be made within 14 days or less from the date of receipt of the returned package. No cash on delivery will be accepted, whatever the reason.

Terms and conditions of sale